Episode 25- Building That Village With Special Guest Helen Farmer

On today's episode i'm joined with Dubai Eye's very own Helen Farmer!.  We chat about the demands of a working mom, raising kids in the day and age and how to just keep it all together.

Helen is a BBC-trained broadcast journalist and mum of two young daughters, Helen Farmer juggles a career in broadcasting and blogging with cleaning cereal off the ceiling. She has worked in publishing and radio in Dubai for more than a decade, and is an award-winning journalist, known for her honest (perhaps too honest…) take on living, working and parenting, through her social media platform.

Helen is an absolute blast, so grab a coffee and happy listening

Catch more of her on

Dubaieye Radio: Tune into Helen Farmer every weekday afternoon from 2pm - 5pm

Check out her Instagram as well: @_helenfarmer_


Episode 26- Mouth Breathing And Why We Want It To Stop With Special Guest Dr Tina Rokadia


Episode 24- Plagiocephaly-Flat Head Syndrome With Special Guest Yasmine Craine