Episode 13- Functional Fertility And Preconception Health With Special Guest Dr Shefali Verma

In today's episode have the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Shefali Verma As we talk at length about functional fertility and preconception health and how making small changes in lifestyle can positively impact your fertility journey and overall well being.

Dr Shefali is  integrated Medical Biohacker, Educator and Medical Director of the Institute for Biophysical. As well as her private practice Dr. Shefali is passionate in the education space and has held many prestigious appointments, providing private consultations for major corporate organisations, government offices and private clients including working with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Future. She is passionate about educating on the importance of creating a health culture within the corporate sector with a key focus on proactive health as opposed to being reactive. At the start of her career after she completed her Masters in Sports medicine she also looked after several athletes at Internatiknal competitions as well as more recently those selected to participate in the Government Games 2020 before the pandemic. In 2017, Dr Shefali was awarded one the top 50 Outstanding Women in Healthcare which was presented at the Worlds Health and Wellness Congress and Awards in Mumbai and then she was awarded one of the top 100 Leaders in Healthcare at the same conference for the following two years in a row.

Dr Shefali Verma continues to support organisations and schools, teaching on the process of disease and espousing the philosophy that “An Ounce of Prevention Is Worth A Pound Of Cure” and enjoys empowering her audience in the management of one's own health in Dubai as well as globally.


Episode 14- Understanding Fertility Assessment And Treatment. With Special Guest Dr Diana Kayal


Episode 12- Breast Cancer Awareness With Special Guest Dr Maha Al Marashi