Episode 11 - Baby-Lead Weaning Explained With Special Guest Jordana Ventzke

In today's episode, I interview Jordana Ventzke, a UAE-based dietitian and pediatric specialist at Genesis Clinic Dubai, and we'll be talking about the very popular topic of baby-led weaning.

Jordana is a wife and a mother to 2 children. She has been practicing as a dietician for 17 years, specializing in pediatrics and pre and postnatal nutrition. Her passion lies with the first 1000 days, and believes that what the child is exposed to during this time will impact long-term health and their relationship experienced with food.

If anyone would like a consultation with Jordana, head over to www.genesis-dubai.com to make an appointment. You can also follow her on Instagram: @jv_nutrition for some great content and great tips.


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